Why Large Builders Don’t Let You To Talk To Their Supervisors

When it comes to building a new home, effective communication with your builder is your greatest asset.
In order to get exactly what you want out of your new home, you need to make sure you choose a builder that sees you as a valued client, not just a number.
Unfortunately, not all builders will give you their time and attention throughout the build process, often leaving you feeling alone and waiting for answers.
Professional builders will assign you an experienced and qualified supervisor to walk you through every step of the process and keep up constant communication so you are highly informed on all aspects of your project.
Volume builders on the other hand, won’t let you talk to their ‘supervisors’ (who aren’t actually even qualified building supervisors)... But we’ll get to that later.
When you build with a volume builder, you aren’t kept up to date throughout the process of your build and if you do try and reach out to someone, your enquiry is lost amongst the tens of other projects that your assigned team member is juggling at the same time.
In this article, I’m going to share with you the real reasons why large builders won’t let you talk to their supervisors and why it’s better to build with a company that communicates with you throughout the entire process.
What You Should Expect
Firstly, you need to be aware of the different levels of communication that you can expect from a custom home builder versus a volume home builder.
When you build with a volume home builder, you might think that you’ll be able to ring up the person assigned to your project and ask questions about the build… But sadly it’s not quite that simple.
When you build with a volume home builder, you aren’t given a direct contact number for your supervisor so you have to call the main office and leave a message.
We all know exactly how that pans out.
The supervisor in charge of your project will have 30 plus other projects to manage at the same time, and will have enquiries from these customers as well.
So don’t be surprised if you don’t hear back from them for a number of weeks at a time.
Conversely, at Stannard Family Homes, our supervisors manage a maximum of five projects at a time, meaning they are completely across all aspects of your build and have ample time to be able to keep you informed throughout every step of the process.
As a client of Stannard Family Homes, you will be given the contact number of your highly skilled supervisor so you can reach them at any time with any questions.
This will be the person to contact you with updates on the progress of your home and will make sure that everything is documented for your own record.
You will build a relationship with your supervisor as they become your trusted source of information throughout the entire build process.
Large volume builders on the other hand have a very high employee turnover, so in many instances, your project will not only be filed amongst 30 plus other customers, but will also be passed through different team members who will need to try to keep up.
If you’ve built with a volume builder before, none of this will be news to you.
Custom Home Builders Know The In’s And Out’s Of Your Build, For Your Peace Of Mind
Another thing to be mindful of if you choose to build with a volume home builder, and is that you might end up doing a lot of the work yourself.
Volume builders don’t let you talk to their supervisors because they don’t have the time to inspect your property frequently and therefore don’t actually know what is happening with your build.
At Stannard Family Homes, your house is inspected daily, so even if you notice something that doesn’t seem quite right during the build, there is a high probability that your supervisor is already aware of it and is addressing it before you even have to raise it.
Our supervisor’s attention is divided across only five projects at once, so they have the time to be able to provide every client with the experience they deserve.
We see you as our valued client, not another number.
Volume builders on the other hand inspect your property monthly, at the most.
Meaning that you have to keep your finger on the pulse and constantly raise issues and chase up to ensure they’re getting addressed.
The Problem With Volume Builders
Lastly, volume builders won’t allow you to talk to their supervisors because they don’t have confidence in their employees’ competence because the people in these positions aren’t really supervisors at all…
Over the last ten years, there has been a trend where volume builders are now using trade coordinators rather than supervisors because the standard for this position is not regulated.
So anyone can do it.
These trade coordinators merely manage the tradesmen and contractors associated with a build project, but don’t have any actual building experience to provide insight and supervise the quality of the work.
Because the people in these positions often don’t have the competence to answer client queries, the volume builders make it difficult to get hold of them so they don’t wind up looking unprofessional and clueless.
Professional builders on the other hand will provide you with a qualified supervisor who is in charge of making sure that your house is being built to the right standards and within the agreed upon timeline.
Designing a new home can be very overwhelming and when you hear new things for the first time, it's not easy to remember everything.
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